The Trade Peak 660-pound gas-powered wheelbarrow it’s a gas-powered wibble on tracks, here’s a box here, I will do a quick unpacking and a quick review of it and what you will get in the box because no one has done on the website.
Here’s a Trade Peak 600-pound gas-powered wheelbarrow
there are a bunch of different brands we make. The one thing we show you today is 660 pounds which is what the payload capacity is. It’s powered by a 196cc overhead valve engine, it’s also 6.5 horsepower a month for the actual power. I am actually gonna swap the motor out for the 208 with an electric start.
The one thing I notice the other brands you get ones with wheels on them, this is a 600-pound gas-powered track, I wanna the track’s version because I have a lot of bush and tree down trees get over and this one seems to be a good workhorse, this gas-powered wheelbarrow, the shaft here is horizontal, the other one is a vertical shaft, so basically makes it harder to swap the motors out, and this has an actual gearbox that’s encased inside, so I will take open it up and I will show you guys what it looks like.
I will do a quick review on the gas-powered wheelbarrow, and I will be using a 600-pound gas-powered wheelbarrow and I will be beating it pretty well. I take care of my stuff all changes and I will show you guys how it works out. I know a couple of guys have broken theirs, so here’s a skid here, it’s about 30 inches by about, 50 inches long, I’ll actually measure it, but it fits in the back of full-size, you know, even a small truck will fit back no problem.
OK, here it is. It’s wrapped up pretty well, they seal the whole thing with a plastic bag and the fitted finish is pretty decent on it. It is gonna get beat up.

The one reason I introduce this 660-pound gas-powered wheelbarrow
was because this one versus the other one has the gearbox with a skid plate on the bottom and I exposed the other one had gears in the bottom which were exposed. It’s got two rails on the bottom here, I will flit up a bit to show you, but it’s got an actual gearbox which is full oil.
Now, there were some reviews saying that you have to double-clutch it and stuff, but I will try it out, so I need to fill gas oil in it and we will fear it up.
So we got this gas-powered wheelbarrow loaded up a rock, and it works pretty well, definitely staying back is pretty good, the one thing I will show you when we dump it, is something from 1 forward to two or three. Well, I have a tractor, two of them, but to bring it back and force kind of paint but there are tight spots in the front area, I don’t want to use a tractor and basically, I will use the backhoe.
So I have to make a pile and then move it, so this 660 pounds gas-powered wheelbarrow is easier for small stuff, we are just moving some crushed stone. It’s a big aggregate stone, you know hold over this, so if someone does a math, it’s probably close to 400 pounds that load.
Ok, guys, I got a little grave in here, so one thing I’ve noticed a guy online posted on youtube when you dump this thing, you’d be very careful, I think it’s a flaw, so watch, let’s up one hand here, and go forward dump, you got to be careful with why, it wants to bounce off right here, and mine’s already starting to crack it there. You see that crack starting right there. I will talk with the Trade Peak engineer team about this issue.
I am happy with this 660-pound gas-powered wheelbarrow, but it does need some modifications by different customers, basically, they want an electric starter, and a generator that has an alternator on it basically, so I can get some output put the small battery inside and then the other thing is the weight, it will move the starts back here, so probably add an extra three or four pounds that the flower’s a little heavier, the battery, the lights, a little bit more weight back here.

I was creating a load of rock, and basically, I was in third speed, I was going pretty good, and then when you just this 600-pound gas-powered wheelbarrow will stop on a dime, so when you let off the engagement, you gotta do it gradually, or I found the best way to do it was rig the rpms down, and then disengaged, then suddenly stop, I had the whole load it flipped for, it was 90 degrees flipped forward the motors off because the low oil cough hit.
I got 4 hours on this gas-powered wheelbarrow, and now I love it, the handlebars do vibrate a whole lot, so basically when I was doing a long distance, I push down here, and I will kind of leave my fingers to float because of the vibration, if you can feel it in your elbow, your hands, it vibrates pretty well, if you have both hands-on and you are controlling them, it beats your hands up and the other thing is the direction handle, it is too big to hold. When you push down the clutch one at the top, you have to catch it at the wired position.
I think this 600-pound gas-powered wheelbarrow, it’s an awesome machine like I said the gearbox is hidden, and there is no chance of it getting damaged by the chain getting full of sand, and I really enjoy using it, if you are interested in more dumpers, tracks or wheels, you could go for, or just call Samantha for more details.